Before making your complaint:
You must ensure you read our Application Terms and Conditions before reading the procedures below. Any attempt to negate a term or condition cannot be considered a complaint. Any complaint against a duty bound legal regulation, whether imposed by a third party or government body, will also fail to qualify as a complaint. For external candidates sitting exams, please read our Exam Centre Terms and Conditions and Exam Regulations as these rules apply strictly.

Who can compliment or raise concerns:
  • student currently in attendance at Cherry Hill
  • A student who has. attended Cherry Hill in the last 10 months.
  • Parents/ Carers of students under the age of 18 who currently attends.
  • Parents/ Carers of students under the age of 18 who attended in the last 10 months.
  • An exam candidate who is due to sit exams, or has sat an exam at Cherry Hill within the last four months.

Complaints should be addressed through the school’s complaint’s procedures as follows:

Stage 1 (Informal)
If you are concerned about your child’s education, you must first talk to your child’s Mentor. If the concern regards an examination, you must first write to the Examination’s Officer. If you write to the school, your complaint will be passed to the Mentor or a designated staff member to investigate.
During term time, you must allow at least five days for the designated staff member to respond. Stage 1 concerns raised when the school is closed will be addressed in the above time frames from the start of term time when the school is open.

Stage 2 (Formal)
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive at stage one, you may write to the senior manager Ric Parks. You may also write to the school, outlining your concerns and what you would like us to do to help you with the matter.
The school will aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five days during term time when the school is open. When the school is open during term time, you must allow at least 20 days for the designated person to investigate the problem and respond.

Stage 2 concerns raised when the school is closed will be addressed in the above time frames from the start of term time when the school is open.

Stage 3 (Formal)
If you are still not satisfied with the response you receive at stage two, you can complain to the Cherry Hill School Governors.
You will need to write to the Cherry Hill School Governors and address the letter as care of the school. The letter must outline the reason(s) for your complaint and why you are still not happy. You must critically address each of the stages above, stating why each response did not satisfy you.
The school will aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five days when the school is open during term time. You must allow at least 30 days for the Governors to investigate the problem and respond.
Stage 3 concerns raised when the school is closed will be addressed in the above time frames from the start of term time when the school is open.

Stage 4 (Formal)
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive at stage three, you can complain to the School Trustees. This is the final stage.

You will need to write to the School Trustees to tell them why you are still unhappy. You must include an outline of your responses from each stage and describe your experience as this will be an independent review. The Trustees will aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 10 days during term time when the school is open. A futher 30 days will be required for the Trustees to arrange a meeting to formally discuss the matter.
Stage 4 concerns raised when the school is closed will be addressed in the above time frames from the start of term time when the school is open.

The school may at any stage respond to your raised concerns to request more information to help it assist with resolutions. If an acknowledgement response is not afforded from you within 10 days of our request, we will assume the matter abandoned and close the file. Following your written acknowledgement, we will allow a further 20 days for you to respond to our requests. If your detailed response is not afforded within 20 days we will assume the matter abandoned and close the file. If a case is assumed abandoned, you may restart the raising of your concern starting again at stage 1. We encourage that all correspondence from you is sent by recorded delivery to ensure it is received.

Our address for all correspondence is:

Cherry Hill School Trust
7 Red Lion Court
Alexandra Road
Hounslow, Middlesex