Read through these facts put together by our team. Get ready to learn more about the world.
1. Vitamin A (Retinol) is great for clearing skin acne, regeneration of skin cells and vision. Doctors recommend limited sun and alcohol and lots of sunscreen. Maximum dosage per day is 5000-10 000 mcg works well with Vit C & Zinc. Always take on a full stomach.
2. The imitation Game (film) based on British Mathematician Alan Turing who ingeniously ended ww2 by cracking the Nazi encrypted codes. How did Britain repay him? By making him undergo chemical castration for being gay which was considered illegal at the time. Turing ended up committing suicide by poison.
3. The 7-38-55 Communication Rule (invented by Albert Mehrabian) suggests that merely 7% of communication is verbal, 38% is tone of voice and 55% is body language. A lot of businesses train their customer support and sales people to smile for customers even when talking over the phone.
4. The biggest Elephant weighed in at a whopping 11 000 kg (Angola). The world’s most famous Elephant was Jumbo. Walt Disney honored him by making the animation called Dumbo. It is said that President Roosevelt even took a ride on Jumbo. His owner used to give him whiskey when he got aggressive.
5. Morse Code was used in communication between allies during the 2nd world, war when radio frequencies proved unreliable and easily hackable by Nazi enemies. Morse is a very rare skill today. The US military still train their militants on how to use morse just in case modern communication systems fail
6. Morse code by Samuel Morse (1791-1872, America) was the first instant telecommunication with people miles away. Prior to morse code, messages were sent through letters. Morse code is a series of dots, dashes and correlated spaces forming a specific sound for each letter of the alphabet.
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